Speciale uitnodiging voor PvKO-leden! Virtual event: Organizational structure based on customer journeys @AXA Bank

In 2017 the strategic goal of AXA Bank was to create a growth in 3 important customer segments. As strategic exercise this was easy to put on paper, but how do you create customer & business responsibility and P&L thinking from all your employees within those goals? Peter Devlies decided to transform the functionally organized structure into a customer journey based organization where multidisciplined teams developed a successful new way of working since than.
- How do you set this up?
- Who gets mandate to lead?
- Which are the used KPI’s?
- What are the do’s and don’t in this kind of transformation?
Peter Devlies, CEO, will share his story and is happy to address all your questions afterwards.
Praktische informatie
Onderwerp: Organizational structure based on customer journeys @AXA Bank
Spreker: Peter Devlies, CEO
Datum: 2 juni van 17.00 - 18.00 uur
Prijs: gratis - online
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Archief > 2020 > mei
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