
Programma van THE INC Industry Day – Technology enhanced experience – human robot interaction

THE INC Industry Day – Technology enhanced experience – human robot interaction

Programma van THE INC Industry Day – Technology enhanced experience – human robot interaction

Op woensdag 5 juni:
13:30 - 14:00 Walk in and registration
14:00 - 14:15 Opening Door Che Govender
14:15 - 15:00 Mark Scholten (Hogeschool Utrecht) – Interaction between man and machine Door Mark Scholten
15:00 - 15:45 John Ottersbach (APG Financial) – Technology as an enabler of customer experiences and smooth operations Door John Ottersbach
15:45 - 16:15 Break
16:15 - 17:00 Carlos Juiz (Turistec) Door Carlos Juiz
17:00 - 17:45 Panel discussion and opening THE INC Door Che Govender
17:45 - 18:45 Drinks
  1. Van 14:15 tot 15:00

    Mark Scholten (Hogeschool Utrecht) – Interaction between man and machine

    Door Mark Scholten

    Mark Scholten, PhD, is a researcher at Hogeschool Utrecht, where he leads the #samendigitaal program that aims to enhance digital skills and competencies in education and society. He holds a PhD in psychology, health and technology from the University of Twente, where he studied the use of virtual humans as support providers in eHealth and e-learning environments, using dynamical systems and complexity theory as his theoretical framework.

  2. Van 15:00 tot 15:45

    John Ottersbach (APG Financial) – Technology as an enabler of customer experiences and smooth operations

    Door John Ottersbach

    John Ottersbach, PhD. is a data native and experienced management consultant at APG Financial, where he leads the transformation of data and customer services, focusing on digital transformation and data value chain. He holds a Ph.D. in elementary particle physics from the University of Amsterdam

  3. Van 16:15 tot 17:00

    Carlos Juiz (Turistec)

    Door Carlos Juiz

    Turistec is an international cluster of Tourism and Information Technology based in Majorca. Turistec improves the competitiveness of its 103 members by promoting digital transformation business knowledge and collaboration. This partnership represents 260K professionals and 46K M€ turnover. In our speech, we depict the changes in the Tourism ecosystem and how Turistec members are contributing to this ecosystem. Particularly, we overview some cases where information technology enhances customer experiences of some selection of Turistec members. Turistec will be represented by Prof. Carlos Juiz from the University of the Balearic Islands as the Vice President for Research and Talent at the Turistec cluster.


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Ticket Prijs
Entree voor Leden Gratis
Entree voor Niet-Leden € 225,00
HTH Invites Gratis

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